judywhite is author and photographer of the award-winning Taylor's Guide to Orchids (Houghton Mifflin 1996), as well as Bloom-Again Orchids (Timber Press 2009), which was awarded a 2010 Garden Writers Association Media Award for Book Writing. Visit judywhite's Web site at www.gardenphotos.com. A past trustee of the American Orchid Society (AOS), she has earned its highest prize for writing about orchid culture, as well as the AOS Silver Medal for outstanding service to the orchid community.
Her drama-comedy screenplay, "Lies I Told My Little Sister," has been made into a feature film, and has been released on DVD, and streaming on Amazon, iTunes, Vudu, GooglePlay. It won 12 film festival awards, including 4 Best of the Fest, and a Best Screenplay for judywhite. www.liesitoldmylittlesister.com
She is a contributor to the book of essays, Shades of Blue: Writers on depression, suicide and feeling blue, edited by Amy Ferris.
Her photography has graced many books and publications, and has been exhibited at the Smithsonian Institution. Garden, plant, and orchid images can be licensed from GardenPhotos.com, her stock photography company.
A former research biologist and past editor-in-chief of one of the world's first mega-gardening Web sites, Time Life's Virtual Garden, judywhite began her writing life as a humor columnist for Seventeen Magazine. A dual Irish and American citizen, she is proud to say she has killed orchids on both sides of the Atlantic.
Visit her Web site at www.gardenphotos.com.