Katrina Kittle is the author of four books for adults—Traveling Light, Two Truths and a Lie, The Kindness of Strangers, and The Blessings of the Animals— and one novel for tweens, Reasons to Be Happy. Her new novel Morning in This Broken World is forthcoming in September 2023. Katrina teaches creative writing workshops for all ages, focusing on craft and motivation (and is especially good at jumpstarting stalled writers). She teaches online and in the Dayton-Cincinnati-Columbus area through Word’s Worth Writing Connections, and is a Lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Dayton. Katrina lives near Dayton with her fella, her tiny rescue cat Annie, her sweet beagle Serena, and her out-of-control garden. She has a thing for goats, gardening, and going barefoot; and is addicted to coffee, pedicures, and Indian food. She is always at work on another novel. Find out more and sign up for a free, monthly email newsletter at www.katrinakittle.com. You can also find her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/KatrinaKittleAuthor/ or on Instagram @katrinakittle