Ron C. McKinnon, CSP (1999-2016), is an internationally experienced and acknowledged safety professional. He has been extensively involved in international research concerning the cause, effect, and control of accidental loss, near-miss reporting, accident investigation, and safety culture change for the last 40 years.
He is the author of "Cause, Effect, and Control of Accidental Loss," published by CRC Press, "Changing Safety's Paradigms," published by Government Institutes and "Safety Management: Near Miss Identification, Reporting and Investigation," " Changing the Workplace Safety Culture," and "Risk-based, Management-led, Audit-driven Safety Management Systems,' all published by CRC Press in February 2012.
Ron holds the Diploma in Safety Management from Technikon SA, South Africa, a teaching Diploma, a Management Development Diploma (MDP) from the University of South Africa, and a M.Sc. in Safety and Health Engineering from Columbia Southern University, USA. He is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP).