John Delaney


A law professor for thirty years, John Delaney taught Criminal Law, Advanced Criminal Law, Comparative Criminal Law, International Criminal Law and other subjects to law school students and students in masters and doctoral degree programs at the New York University School of Law. He then taught Criminal Law, Advanced Criminal Law, the First Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment, Jurisprudence, a First-Year Seminar and other subjects at the City University of New York Law School. Learning Legal Reasoning emerged from these many years of teaching and reflecting. Now retired, Professor Delaney is also the author of law review articles. His First Amendment article, “Police Power Absolutism and Nullifying the Free Exercise Clause: A Critique of Oregon v. Smith,” 25 Ind. L. Rev. 71 (1991), has been cited in more than thirty law review articles and by many courts including the Supreme Court of California and the Supreme Court of Texas. His books additionally include How To Do Your Best on Law School Exams and Learning Criminal Law as Advocacy Argument: Complete with Exam Problems and Answers. He was also the General Editor of nine other books, mostly about comparative law, in the American Series of Foreign Penal Codes. Prior to teaching, Professor Delaney conducted approximately one thousand trials and he prepared more than one hundred and fifty appeals. He lived with his wife Pat and daughter Clare in the beautiful Catskill region of New York. Sadly, John died in his ninetieth year of covid-related pneumonia in February 2022. He would urge you to always seek justice and defend the Constitution Best, Pat Delaney



