Laura Waterman Wittstock is president and CEO of Wittstock & Associates. A former journalist, Waterman Wittstock is the author of several publications, including We Are Still Here: A Photographic History of the American Indian Movement, Diverse Populations/Diverse Needs: Community Foundations and Diversity and Changing Communities,and ININATIG'S Gift of Sugar: Traditional Native Sugar Making. She produces and hosts First Person Radio, a weekly public affairs program on KFAI-FM in Minneapolis and writes an online column in Indian Country Today Media Network.
She was an elected member and president of the Minneapolis Library Board, where she worked on the development and realization of the new Central Library (2002-2009). She served as the fourth Louis W. Hill, Jr. Fellow in Philanthropy under the University of Minnesota's Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs (2006). Wittstock is the recipient of several leadership and professional awards, including the Distinguished IEL Service Award, (Institute for Educational Leadership national award for improvement of American education), (2006) the American Indian Honored Educator of 2005 and the Lou Fuller Award 2013.
Waterman Wittstock is working on three new book projects: a children's series, a memoir, and a history.