Hi, I'm Lyn Kelley, Ph.D., Certified Professional Coach and Coach Trainer in San Diego, CA. With over 25 years experience as a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Certified Coach, motivational speaker, writer, relationship coach and business consultant, I give you the BEST of what I've learned. I've written 15 relationship eBooks and have just completed my newest book "Bad Dick, Good Jane" which is now available on Kindle and on Amazon.com in print! You can read more about me and sign up for my FREE eBook "The 10 Secrets to Getting Any Man You Want to Want YOU" and my monthly email "Dear Jane Advice Column" on my website: www.JanesGoodAdvice.com
See what one of my relationship coaching clients says about me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6bJAVONzKg&feature=youtu.be
I've also written 20 books for healthcare providers on how to build their practices, how to become a Business or Life Coach, motivation, and how to be successful. I have a coach training/certification program: www.growtraininginstitute.com. Feel free to e-mail me if you'd like! And I would love your feedback!
Please follow me:
Twitter: http://wefollow.com/JanesGoodAdvice
Facebook: Lyn Kelley
See my YouTube videos:
The Biggest Mistake Women Make in Dating: http://youtu.be/--aGjh3WgPc
Is He a Commitment Phobic? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLCqQHzmNOA
How to Stick With Your Diet and Exercise Program: http://youtu.be/SEJvHJkKtSM
Bad Dick, Good Jane: How Good Girls Get Bad Boys to Behave, Fall in Love and Commit: http://youtu.be/--aGjh3WgPc
Controlling & Manipulative Men: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2m3KUDcuZg
How to Handle Self-Centered and Narcissistic Men: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lMDvDF2r1o
Do's and Don'ts with an Emotionally Unavailable Man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXUBBE7MgLo
How to Become a Certified Professional Coach: http://youtu.be/ZBHrDhxodWc