Joseph M. Higgins


About the Author Joseph Higgins has been a working medium for over 20 years as well as an Amazon best-selling author, channeler, spiritual teacher and intuitive counselor. He has completed the Morris Pratt Institute training and a residential course in Pastoral Skills in Lily Dale, NY. Through channeling, Joe researches information from the other side in hopes of helping those in need on the Earth plane. Mr. Higgins has become a leading authority on signs and has presented his work at various conferences and symposiums while bringing relief and comfort to countless people over the years. Mr. Higgins’s first book, Hello...Anyone Home? A Guide on How Our Deceased Loved Ones Try to Contact Us Through the Use of Signs, teaches about the language of signs and the process of contact. Mr. Higgins’s second book, The Everything Guide to Evidence of the Afterlife: A Scientific Approach to Proving the Existence of Life after Death, published by Simon & Schuster and is available worldwide. Mr. Higgins’s third book, Always Connected for Veterans: Deceased Vets Give Guidance from the Other Side, focuses on questions veterans and families ask about their involvement in war. Mr. Higgins’s fourth book, I Got Your Message! Understanding Signs from Deceased Loved Ones, answers questions concerning the concepts of signs and includes dozens of firsthand accounts of contact with the other side. Mr. Higgins’s latest book, Always Connected: For Those Who Have Lost Children, Children Give Signs & Insights from Heaven. Gives Insight into the Passing of a Child—At Any Age


