Patrick Cozzi


I work at the intersection of computer graphics, geospatial, and the web as a software developer, educator, and author. My contributions to the field include * Starting Cesium, an open-source JavaScript library for creating 3D virtual globes with WebGL * Writing and editing books: WebGL Insights, OpenGL Insights, and 3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes * Co-creating glTF, the runtime asset format for WebGL, OpenGL ES, and OpenGL (in progress) * Teaching GPU Programming and Architecture, with students that received positions at NVIDIA, AMD, Qualcomm, and various game and movie studios * Giving talks at SIGGRAPH, FOSS4G, and COM.Geo * Writing chapters for the GPU Pro and Game Engine Gems series * Reviewing various graphics courses, books, and publications. I'm on the editorial board for the Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (JCGT) My interests include * Computer graphics - WebGL, OpenGL, virtual globes, massive models, 3D engine design, asset formats, real-time rendering, and GPU architecture * Software development - framework design, unit testing, parallelism, JavaScript, Node.js, recruitment, and technical interviews * Open source software - development practices, building community, culture, code sprints, hackathons, and business models * Moving our field forward - teaching, giving talks, writing, editing, and mentoring Visit my website:


