Arlene Pellicane is a speaker and author of several books including Screen Kids, Parents Rising, 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Mom, and Calm, Cool and Connected: 5 Digital Habits for a More Balanced Life. Arlene has been featured on the Today Show, Wall Street Journal, Fox & Friends, Focus on the Family, and FamilyLife Today. She's the host of the Happy Home Podcast and regular contributor to Proverbs 31 Ministries. Arlene lives in San Diego with her husband James and their three children. You too can have a happy home - Arlene's books will show you how. Satisfied customers say: "Parents Rising rocked my parenting world! Arlene walks right beside you on this parenting journey and really gets it." "If there's any friction in your marriage, 31 Days to Happy Husband is worth reading." "I recommend Arlene's books to my friends who are struggling with kids and technology." Do you have a happy home? To take Arlene's free happy home quizzes, visit: