Eric Lim

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Eric Lim has lived in Bangkok for more than a decade and it was this city that helped him rediscover his love for writing, history, culture, handicraft and the ways of life of old communities of which there is no shortage in Bangkok.

Bangkok has always aroused his curiosity and fascination long before he even set foot in the city. There was this strange attachment to a city even though it was so drastically different from Singapore where he grew up.

The internet has provided the means to express his passion and the result is his historical travel web site Tour Bangkok Legacies. Venturing beyond Bangkok, he has started a monthly e-zine Bangkok Travelbug on historical and cultural travel to various parts of Thailand.

He continues his search for historical and cultural treasures in Bangkok and Thailand. These will be brought to you in his subsequent e-books in the series, "Journey through Thailand", which is about his historical and cultural journeys to the various provinces. His search continues for these old treasures, it would take a life time to see them all.
