Erik D.J. O'Brien

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Erik D.J. O’Brien was born in Salt Lake City in 1966. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Massachusetts in 1989, and then volunteered for Army Service in 1990. Serving with the 3rd Ranger Battalion at Fort Benning Georgia from 1991-1993, he was Honorably Discharged in 1994. Returning home, he continued his education in Creative Writing at Emerson College. A lifetime practitioner of martial arts, his other hobbies include illustration and a love of the outdoors. Part 3, The Last Admiral is the prequel to Kur’s Rage, Part 1 of the Duaredheim Staff Saga, which began the grand tale of adventure, and continued with Part 2, The Drums of Doom. The Saga will reach its epic climax in Part 4, The Ice Moon. He currently lives in Norwell, Massachusetts with his dog Sadie.
