Elizabeth Leisy Stosich


Elizabeth Leisy Stosich is an Associate Professor and Associate Chair of the Division of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Policy at Fordham University. Her research focuses on understanding how district, school, and teacher leaders can work together to strengthen the quality and equity of students' learning opportunities and outcomes. In 2022, Dr. Stosich was awarded the Emerging Scholar Award by Division A of the American Educational Research Association in recognition for her contributions to the field of educational leadership and organizational theory. She was awarded the Dissertation of the Year Award by the Leadership for School Improvement Special Interest Group for her dissertation research on the leadership practices, professional learning opportunities, and teacher team practices that supported educators in responding effectively to new and more ambitious academic standards. Her work has appeared in such journals as American Educational Research Journal, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, and Journal of Educational Administration. She received her Ed.D. in Education Policy, Leadership, and Instructional Practice and Ed. M. in Education Policy and Management at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Previously, Elizabeth taught elementary school in Oakland, CA.


