K.A. Wiggins


K.A. Wiggins (Kaie) is an award-winning Canadian speculative fiction author, speaker, and creative writing coach. Best known for gothic-dystopian YA Fantasy series Threads of Dreams, a genre-bending saga of a haunted girl reclaiming her voice and her power in a post-climate-apocalypse Vancouver overrun by monsters, her work also appears in Fantasy Magazine, The Fairytale Magazine, and Frozen Wavelets, and from Hungry Shadow Press, Renaissance Press, and The NoSleep Podcast, among others. An enthusiastic speaker and educator, she teaches with the Creative Writing for Children Society and serves as president of the Children's Writers & Illustrators of British Columbia Society and as a director-at-large of Word Vancouver Festival of Readers & Writers. Find her at kawiggins.com (& join the newsletter for free reads!) or @kaiespace on social media.



