Dr. Sheryl G. Ziegler, Motherhood Maven, a Doctor of Psychology specializing in children and families, founded and operates The Child and Family Therapy Center at Lowry, a group private practice in Denver, CO. Over the course of over 10 years, Dr. Ziegler has led over 10,000 face-to-face sessions focused on Mommy Burnout and its related issues, including anxiety, depression, and divorce. In February 2018, Dr. Ziegler's book, Mommy Burnout debuts.
Dr. Ziegler is a familiar face on television, with weekly appearances on news programs for the local Fox, NBC and CW networks, where she serves as the "go-to" family and parenting expert. Nationally, Dr. Ziegler has appeared on Katie, Katie Couric's daytime talk show. She was also featured on NPR's live one hour radio broadcast on Navigating the New Pot Talk in the Time of Legal Weed. Further, Dr. Ziegler was also interviewed for and contributed to a New York Times article on Talking to Both Girls and Boys about Sex and was featured in the Washington Post contributing to articles on Millennials and Holiday Burnout.
Online, Dr. Ziegler writes for YourTango.com, and has also been named top contributor on The Today Show Parenting community blog. She writes for and has served as a source for journalists at many publications including Popsugar, Huffington Post, TIME, Yahoo! Parent, Science of Us, How Stuff Works, WebMd.com, The Denver Post, Colorado Health and Wellness, Colorado Parent, and Modern Psykology, Sweden's Psychology Today.