Mambo Vye Zo Komande LaMenfo


I am Mambo Vye Zo Komande la Menfo DaGinen, (also know as Patricia D. Scheu) and I am a Mambo Asogwè of Haitian Vodou. I have had a life long fascination with Haiti and Vodou, and in 2003, I was able to travel to Haiti to become a fully ordained priest of Haitian Vodou. My "professional" name in Vodou is Mambo Vye Zo Komande la Menfo DaGinen. It translate to Old Bones Commands With a Strong Hand, of Ginen. A mouthful for sure, but also a blessing. It was my initiatory oaths to the Lwa, that I would strive to help gain recognition and validation for the faith of Vodou. My work as Mambo is dedicated to showing the world how beautiful this faith is, how generous the Lwa can be, and how Vodou should be counted among the many of the faiths of the world today. To that end, I have tried to provide accurate information through all my service work, my writings and my music CDs. I have written and contributed many articles to academic journals, as well as writing my own books. I have a second title coming out in March, as a companion book to the first one, Serving the Spirits. The music of Vodou is vital to understanding both the liturgy of the faith and the history of the island of Haiti. Vodou music (also called 'rasin' or roots music) carries the many cultures that make up Haiti - Spanish guitar riffs, English troubadour styling, and African drum beats. Many songs are given directly by the spirits themselves. Other songs are older, and much is being forgotten or lost due to time, travel and other influences. My goal has always been to capture this powerful, yet fleeting music, for generations to come. Please enjoy my work - it's a gift both to the Spirits of Vodou and a way for Them to express themselves today. I was taught in Haiti, that when the work of being a mambo is pleasing to the Lwa, the Lwa themselves will join in with new songs, new insights and new inspiration. I hope to bring that experience to a larger audience through my work. Ayibobo!



