RD, LD, CDE Ali Miller


Ali Miller, RD, LD, CDE, is an integrative dietitian and owner of Naturally Nourished a functional medicine virtual nutrition practice. She is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator, certified weight management specialist, recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate in her field acknowledged as Houston’s Top 50 Most Influential Women in 2015 for her her wellness plans using nutrients and food as medicine to reduce symptoms and optimize health. Ali believes everything we put in our body can contribute towards optimal health or dysfunction and disease. Her Food-As-Medicine philosophy is supported by up-to-date scientific research for a functional approach to healing the body. Ali’s message has influenced millions through media with weekly television segments, corporate outreach and within the medical community. Ali’s expertise can be accessed through her website: www.alimillerRD.com offering a blog, podcasts, online learning, and access to become a client at her virtual practice, Naturally Nourished.


