Philip Ernest Williams who led the first American team to visit what appears the remains of Noah's Ark near the top of Mount Ararat has researched the evidence of Noah's Flood since his retirement in 1990 from the telecommunications software company that he founded.
• Retired telecommunications systems engineer & entrepreneur, pioneer of local digital network
• President of the New Beginnings Foundation in Charlotte, NC focussed on ecumenical mission
• Led first American team to visit the Mount Ararat Discovery (what appears Noahs Ark!)
• Investigated the hoax charges made against this discovery and discovered the charges false.
• Sponsor of American scientific involvement with the Mount Ararat Discovery
• Published first ever book on the archaeological evidence of Noah’s Flood!
* Founder of new school of origins called Scripture Science, different from Creation Science.
* Host of the new podcast ‘Arkapology & Scripture Science.
Dr. Norman Geisler, pioneer of evangelical apologetics, believes this discovery will be world-changing. Dr. Geisler endorses Williams explanation of the worldwide Flood in the light of a completely literal reading of the Scriptures.