Annie Nardone is a C.S. Lewis Institute Fellow with a Master of Arts degree in Cultural Apologetics from Houston Baptist University. She contributes and edits for the apologetics quarterly An Unexpected Journal at and also for purchase on Amazon. Her newest release is Wild Things and Castles in the Sky - A Guide to Choosing the Best Books for Children (available Spring 2022) Annie is contributor to the online magazine Cultivating and Managing Editor for Cultivating Resources and Recommendations at Her Facebook sites Literary Life and Literary Life Book of the Month feature reviews on classical and recent books with a focus on the enduring beauty and truth found in literature and art. She wrote an historical cookbook for Bright Ideas Press. Her sincere belief is in the significance and reintegration of the arts and humanities with theology and the Christian imagination. She homeschooled her three kids for twenty-five years and teaches art, creative writing, and humanities. Annie resides with her Middle Earth/Narnia/Hogwarts-loving family, piles of books, and a large assemblage of cats.