For over two years John and Sheri worked to document John's stories of his runs during his 45 years as a Railroad Fireman/Engineer. He told them as Sheri typed, bringing them closer together and allowing her to know more of what he did during his trips away. The stories in their book are real-life trip experiences, written in first-person perspective. It is a historical book that is meant for sharing. Not only with you, but with generations to come. John's railroad career began when he was hired in engine service for the Southern Pacific Railroad on his 18th birthday. He started as a Fireman, and promoted to Engineer in 1971. He was one of the few employees hired in engine service that started by firing steam engines, and retired as an employee operating up to 6,000 horsepower computer-controlled General Electric diesel locomotives, with just under 2,000,000 compensated miles. John loved the railroad, but loves his country, serving 4 years in the United States Navy, SEABEES, MCB11. Sheri is the founder/owner of COCKRELL ENTERPRISE Creative Director Goal Specialist/Strategist Publisher - Events Organizer Speaker/Writer/Author: 45 Years of True Railroad Stories Adventures of a Railroad Engineer Follow: Samuel Francine Matt Georgie Contributing Author: Incredible Business, and Mom Entrepreneur Extraordinaire