Lisandro N. C. Urquiza was born in Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos, Argentina.
While still a child, his family moved to Buenos Aires for work reasons.
His secondary education was commercial with an orientation in Language and Literature. Later he graduated from the National University of Luján as a Bachelor of Administration.
Over the years, and working full time in a financial company, he began to travel in literature. In 2018 he published his first novel "The Blond Boys".
In 2019, the continuation, "Oleg and The Blond Boys" and, in 2020, "The Journey of Tomás and Mateo" (Bärenhaus), an independent story from the previous ones but with common settings and characters. He is currently working on Tomás y Mateo, una nueva vida, soon to be published.
The saga will continue with: "Nano, the gaucho"; "Dionisio and the King"; "Aurek and the villagers"; "Nano among sunflowers"; "Max's diaries"; "The beach painter" and "My life in a carnival".
By 2024 he plans to publish the romantic policeman “Vicente Tömmey”, and in 2025 “Lando, the healer”.