Alejandra Quetzalli

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Alejandra Quetzalli is a Latina from México with 10 years of experience in the tech industry and a devoted autism service dog, Canela. Canela works side-by-side with Alejandra, even joining her traveling and speaking engagements at tech conferences worldwide.

Throughout her career, Alejandra has worked in SEO, Paid Search, Full-Stack development, UX, Developer Relations, Technical Writing (Engineering Documentation), AWS Cloud Advocacy, startups, and Open-Source (OSS). She's currently a core maintainer at AsyncAPI Initiative, leading OSS initiatives for AsyncAPI Docs and Education. In 2022, she joined the AsyncAPI Technical Steering Committee (TSC).

Quetzalli's approach to engineering documentation inspired her to coin the new term "docs-as-ecosystem." She believes that "docs-as-ecosystem" represents a more comprehensive and collaborative approach to documentation development than "docs-as-code" because it recognizes that documentation is more than just code. Her book, “docs-as-ecosystem: the community approach to engineering documentation,” is finally available to pre-order on Amazon.

