B. Heil-Sonneck

B. Heil-Sonneck profile image


Barbara’s successful 30-year career in the real estate industry is built on her diverse and rich experiences working internationally in Fortune 500 and small companies, and as serial entrepreneur, a savvy real estate investor, and an award-winning designer with a passion for travel.

“My vision is to help successful mature women to leverage their immense experience and success by harnessing the power of investments and partnerships, so they can move beyond the standard limitations of entrepreneurship or professional careers and create their “rich life”.

In 2022 Barbara successfully transitioned her team to run company operations, allowing her to step into a shareholder role at Design2Sell. She is thrilled to be able to take her vast experience and knowledge back into the real estate investing game. A trailblazer in many ways, Barbara is not afraid to be uncomfortable, believing that with discomfort comes growth.

Barbara has held leadership positions in several industry associations. She loves to mastermind, sharing her learning and best practices as a business owner. Her viewpoints on leadership with authenticity, the power of energy alignment, small business growth strategies, and team delegation, make her a valuable resource for media and those hosting events, podcasts, and expert panels.
