Aidan Atlas

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Aidan Atlas, an honors graduate in Natural Sciences, combines academic diligence and adventurous spirit. His self-guided curriculum covers Habitat Restoration, Sustainable Agriculture, Botany, Microbiology, and Anthropology, with studies in Geography and GIS mapping. Aidan's expertise spans diverse continents and disciplines. His passion led him to remote rainforests for community living and field botany, teaching and learning plant identification in Papua New Guinea. A self-taught herbalist and herbal elixir bar founder, this endeavor was not just a business but a platform for educating others on the healing virtues of evidence-based herbalism. Aidan has delved deep into the complex mechanisms of action of hundreds of herbs, supporting his work with a solid foundation of research and experience. His work, deeply rooted in a commitment to understanding nature's interconnectedness, offers readers a profound perspective on the synergy between science, nature, and spirituality.
