Sarah Leamy


Set within the Southwest, Leamy's stories come from liminal spaces, both physical and emotional. These narrators search for home, create new kinds of family, and ignore society's gendered expectations despite the consequences. Authentic, gritty, and often funny, these novels are true to life. They are full of a landscape that affects the storytellers as well as the readers. Sarah Leamy left England in her early twenties and became a broke nomadic wanderer and writer. As the socially awkward and insecure Brit abroad, she lived first in Europe and then crossed the States and into Guatemala, performing, writing and working odd jobs as she explored new countries alone or with Daisy, her slightly grumpy Border Collie. Since then her stories, poems, essays and articles have been published with various presses, in numerous online magazines, in newspapers, anthologies, and more are in process to be released. With over 15 books out now, you'll have more than enough to dive into the lives of misfits and struggling folks who do what it takes to be themselves. Her books are all available as print or ebooks. Find out more at


