Thomas Lindsay Jackson


Tom Jackson as born in 1949. Formerly the President and CEO of Productivity Inc. and Productivity Press, Tom is currently a principal of the Rona Consulting Group. Trained at Indiana University as a lawyer and an economist, in 1992 Tom left a comfortable post at the University of Vermont to become a management consultant specializing in the Toyota Production System. Tom has written extensively about hoshin kanri, Toyota's extraordinary method of strategic planning and financial management. In 2007, Tom's book, Hoshin Kanri for the Lean Enterprise, was awarded a Shingo Research Award. It has since become a standard reference for consultants and clients alike. Tom is currently working diligently to help transform the healthcare industry. In his spare time, he authors and edits Rona Consulting's Lean Tools Series for healthcare, a series of Productivity Press books published by Taylor and Francis. Continuous Flow for Healthcare, the next book in the Series, is almost ready to send to the publisher. The last two books in the Series will be Pull Systems and Quick Setup. Meanwhile, Tom has outlined a second edition for Hoshin Kanri for the Lean Enterprise.



