Tiny Whispers: A Treasury of Children's Stories about the Gifts of Patience, Kindness, Contentment, Thoughtfulness, and Gratitude (Nana's Heartwarming Tales Book 1)

Tiny Whispers is the first book in Nana's Heartwarming Tales series. My writing inspiration came from 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7, along with my teaching and camping memories. I taught special education through the years, and each summer, my family took vacations near Mono Hot Springs, California. As my family hiked, fished, and swam, I sketched and wrote stories while sitting on rocky granite ledges along the San Joaquin River and the remote High Sierra lakes. My husband and I raise puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind. We love camping in our home-built, teardrop camper or cozy 1984 Vanagon.