Annie, her partner, Eric, and her two young sons live in the small town she has taught elementary school in for seventeen years. Through her turbulent life experiences, Annie has found a deep passion for educating people from ages 8 to 98. Whether teaching children in her classroom, inspiring her peers through her memoir and social media pages, or writing informational articles for the elderly through the website she writes for, Annie finds purpose through helping others navigate their own personal struggles in life. Along her life-long journey, battling her way to happiness and peace for herself and her family, Annie has gained a vast array of experiential expertise on complex issues. These issues include: Emotional abuse, infidelity, divorce, suicidal ideation, grief, anxiety, depression, narcissism, the family disease of alcoholism, Al-Anon Twelve Step Programs, Alcoholics Anonymous Programs, mental health therapy, and macular degeneration (and blindness). At the age of 26, Annie was diagnosed with myopic macular degeneration after noticing a small blind spot in her right eye. In an attempt to understand and accept her diagnosis as well as tame her worries about her future, she sought support and knowledge in online communities. She now writes patient advocate articles which are published to Health Union’s macular degeneration website and social media page. Though she keeps busy teaching full time, writing articles and moderating HU’s website, writing memoirs and children’s books, and managing her professional Instagram author page, Annie prioritizes herself and her family. Annie and her family’s emotional healing from the devastation they each encountered from living with active alcoholics, is of utmost importance to her. Her family focuses a lot of their time and energy working on recovery. All four members of their little Ohana attend mental health therapy sessions with therapists. She and Eric attend Al-Anon meetings together, and both are ‘working the twelve steps’ of the program with their insightful sponsors. Annie’s passion for helping others centers on the ideology of living a holistic, healthy lifestyle, and ending the stigma surrounding mental health therapy. In her down time, you can find Annie writing, cooking, jogging or taking long walks - always seeking the beauty and symbolism of colorful sunrises and sunsets. The quiet and stillness of the country roads that surround her home helps her to recharge and focus on what’s important. Annie also enjoys going to concerts with her friends and watching her sons play soccer, basketball, guitar, and drums. Her privations in life have afforded her the opportunity to see the importance of living her best life. This memoir is Annie’s paper pride and joy. She’s elated to share her experience, strength, and hope with the world. You can contact Annie through Instagram @ididnotkillmyhusband.