Allison Smith


Allison Smith was born in Seattle, and at the age of 24, she moved to New York, which played a big part in her knowledge of Dr. Sebi's alternative medicine. She realized that most of the health challenges faced today are because of our diet and lifestyle, and she was driven to make the necessary changes to her life as she believed it would produce good results in the end. Following Dr. Sebi's teaching and applying the necessary changes to her diet and lifestyle, she was able to beat many health problems that she faced in her past. Been able to improve her well being means more then just enjoying life, but sending a message to those in the same situation or, even worse. Living in New York, she has worked in many seminars talking about how Dr. Sebi changed her life and how it could also change the lives of others. Allison Smith is a sign that no matter what you are going through, you can always have a second chance to impact the right information. Today she has the power to change lives, and this is all thanks to Dr. Sebi.

