BEN MILLER is an American filmmaker and author. He is a graduate of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, was the winner of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Grant for screenwriting, and has worked for notable personages such as Martin Scorsese and Roger Corman. For the last seventeen years, Miller has studied fencing at the Martinez Academy of Arms, one of the last places in the world still teaching an authentic living tradition of classical fencing. He has served as the Academy’s chef de salle, and has both lectured and authored articles for the Association for Historical Fencing. He is the author of Irish Swordsmanship: Fencing and Dueling in Eighteenth Century Ireland (Hudson Society Press, 2017), and one of the authors of Scottish Fencing: Five 18th Century Texts on the Use of the Small-sword, Broadsword, Spadroon, Cavalry Sword, and Highland Battlefield Tactics (Hudson Society Press, 2018), co-authored by Maestros Jared Kirby and Paul Macdonald. He is the editor of Self-Defense for Gentlemen and Ladies: A Nineteenth-Century Treatise on Boxing, Kicking, Grappling, and Fencing with the Cane and Quarterstaff, containing the writings of the noted duelist and fencing master, Colonel Thomas Hoyer Monstery. He wrote the foreword to the republication of Donald McBane’s classic martial arts treatise, The Expert Sword-Man’s Companion: Or the True Art of Self-Defence (New York: Jared Kirby Rare Books, 2017). He introduced, edited and annotated King of the Swordsman by Colonel Monstery. He has taught the German wand exercise and the use of the Germanic club at CombatCon in Las Vegas, where he has also lectured on topics relating to fencing history and physical culture. Miller’s articles about fencing and martial arts history can be found on the websites and His videos about physical culture and historical physical fitness methods can be found on his YouTube channel Physical Culture Historians.