Catherine Peters, known affectionately by her clients as “Cat the Coach,” is a seasoned guide in the realms of stress and burnout among high-achieving individuals. Cat understands the toll of a dynamic lifestyle. For almost three decades, she operated successfully in the corporate and entrepreneurial realms, traveling extensively around the globe and creating multiple successful businesses, including The Bark Bar, Denver’s first dog park bar. Her personal struggle with burnout culminated in a breast cancer diagnosis, an event that ignited her own mission to learn how to take the stress out of success and do things differently. Healing burnout suddenly became a matter of life and death. As a Professional Certified Coach and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner, Cat empowers burnt crispy professionals to break free from burnout’s grasp and forge a path to lasting success. Her expertise is fueled by diverse experience, formal training, and a passion for helping others rediscover their joy and purpose. Cat is also an award-winning international keynote speaker who delights audiences with her quirky humor, using entertaining anecdotes and real-world examples to provide inspiration and motivation, and a clear path forward from stress and burnout into possibility and purpose. Cat lives in Denver, Colorado, with her amazing husband, two wayward mutts, and a cat that drools. When she’s not creating amazing results for her clients and audiences, you can find her beating back the pet hair that threatens to overtake her home and her sanity.