Chuck Easttom


Dr. Easttom has many years of practical experience in wide range of computer science, mathematics, and related topics. He holds a Doctor of Science in Cyber Security (Dissertation:"A Comparative Study Of Lattice Based Algorithms For Post Quantum Computing" ) a Ph.D. in Nanotechnology (Dissertation: "The Effects of Complexity on Carbon Nanotube Failures"), A Ph.D. in Computer Science (Dissertation "A Systematic Framework for Network Forensics Using Graph Theory") and 4 masters degrees (including 1 in applied computer science, 1 in education, 1 in strategic and defense studies, and 1 in systems engineering). He has authored 44 computer science books ( so far) and is an inventor with 27 computer science patents, and over 80 research papers. Dr. Easttom is a Distinguished Speaker of the ACM, a Distinguished Visitor of the IEEE, as well as a Senior Member of the ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) and a Senior Member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). He is also an adjunct professor at Vanderbilt University and an adjunct lecturer for Georgetown University.



