Colin Salter


Just out, "The Anatomists' Library", a lavishly illustrated history of anatomy told through 3000 years of landmark text and images on the subject. Coming soon, my ninth contribution to the series which began with "100 Books that Changed the World". This time it's "100 Novels". Out earlier in 2023, "Remarkable Treks", a collection of the world's finest long distance footpaths, which follows "Remarkable Bike Rides" and "Remarkable Road Trips". Travel broadens the mind. And in 2024, look out for "Shakespeare for Every Night of the Year", a quote for every night inspired by an anniversary on every day. I'm a non-fiction author based in Edinburgh, Scotland. I write everything from encyclopedia entries to CD liner notes and I love the variety of the work I do. I have written books on natural history, historical biography, the sciences and popular music, many of them translated into French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese or Korean. When I'm not writing I am walking my dog, cycling or dry stone walling. Much of my written work is anonymous and the books listed here are only those with my name on the cover. But you can see a full list of books to which I have made significant contributions on my website, There's a wide variety of subject matter, and I'm sure there's something there of interest to you or whoever you're about to buy a birthday/Christmas present for. They're almost all available on Amazon. I'm currently working on a biography of a 250-year old library - how the books were gathered together, and what they say about the family who wrote many of them and passed them on from generation to generation. If you're an interested publisher, get in touch!



