The author is or was a partner, rainmaker, and practice leader at an Am Law 100 firm who practiced law at Big Law firms for many years, including an Am Law/Vault top-20-ranked law firm in New York City, and another Am Law 100 law firm in another large U.S. city. The author: (i) has served in firm-wide and office-level leadership positions within their Big Law firms; (ii) has been involved in the hiring, compensation, promotion, performance evaluation, and termination processes for summer associates and attorneys in Big Law firms; and (iii) has also served on and worked with multiple committees, groups, and individuals (including C-suite officers) within Big Law firms. The author has received numerous national, statewide, and firm awards recognizing the author’s contributions to the legal profession, pro bono causes, and diversity and inclusion efforts, including recognition as one of the best attorneys among a very small subset of attorneys nationwide. The author graduated with honors from a law school consistently ranked by U.S. News & World Report as one of the top-10 law schools in the United States and has taught at a law school consistently ranked by U.S. News & World Report as one of the top-14 law schools in the United States. The author has intentionally omitted nearly all identifying information and published Big Law Confidential under a pen name to make it possible to freely share information and write about their experiences (as well as the experiences of their law school classmates, friends, and colleagues) while working in Big Law firms in the U.S. Big Law Confidential is the author’s first published book.