David Hendra was born in Kingswinford, England in 1964. The son of a high school music teacher, he learnt to play piano and 'cello as a child and went on to study music at the University of Lancaster and later with the Open University. He lives with his wife, Gail, in Morecambe, England. He has two children and four grandchildren. David is a fully-qualified teacher who left primary school teaching in 2012 to focus on teaching music. On his "Easy Piano Teacher" website (easypianoteacher . com) and his YouTube channel he creates and shares free online piano tutorials. You can also find him online at davidhendramusic . com, where he has resources for piano, keyboard, and other instruments. This site also hosts his personal blog about music, worship, and everything else! David publishes sheet music collections on Amazon, for both piano and other instruments. Many of these link to online resources, such as watch-and-copy video tutorials to support piano learning, and demo/backing audio files to aid instrumental practice and performance.