Dee Thompson's passion is the written word. For more than thirty years she has been a freelance writer, a journalist, a marketer, and a paralegal. She currently writes articles, blogs, books, essays, and a variety of marketing materials. Dee earned an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Tennessee, and has authored six books: Return to Marietta (novel); Heart of My Own Heart (novel); Leaf Season (novel); Ghosts in the Garden City (novel); What's for Dinner, Mom? (cookbook) and Jack's New Family (children's fiction). In 2020 she edited and published a collection of her mother's writings, Singing to the Cows (author, Elva Thompson). You can see more of Dee's writings on her professional portfolio: [https://dethompson62.journoportfolio.com/] Since 2005, Dee has blogged at The Crab Chronicles [https://deescribbler.typepad.com/my_weblog/]. Dee lives in Atlanta and enjoys cooking, reading, walking her dog Lola, and movies.