Dr. Fred Previc is currently a lecturer in psychology at the University of Texas at San Antonio. For over 25 years, he served as a researcher with the United States Air Force (USAF) Research Laboratory in San Antonio and with various companies, including Northrop Grumman and the Southwest Research Institute, and he also has taught secondary school science and university courses in psychology at various universities. His professional expertise is primarily in the areas of cognitive neuroscience and applied psychology, mainly human factors and aviation psychology. His theoretical interests include the origins of brain lateralization, the neural basis of religion, the neuropsychology of 3D space, the evolution of human intelligence, the role of the vestibular system in brain function and motion sickness, and the causes of autism and Alzheimer's Disease. For many years, he was head of the USAF's Spatial Disorientation Countermeasures Task Group, which was charged with reducing USAF mishaps due to spatial disorientation by means of improved training and instrument displays. Included in Dr. Previc's corpus of scientific work are over 70 peer-reviewed papers, 18 chapters and major theoretical articles, and two books: "Spatial Disorientation in Aviation" and "The Dopaminergic Mind in Human Evolution and History".