Happy Sapiens


Welcome, dear reader, to Sofia's tales of adventure! I am Sofia, and this is my dad, David Rich. We are from Sheridan, Wyoming, in America and travel all over the world, learning about animals. We meet the most interesting people on our travels. We learn all about how different people live, what they eat, and how they interact with the animals in their environment. We love making friends all over the world. We all share this amazing planet with many other animals. It is our responsibility to learn about life on earth so that we can protect the animals and ecosystems we share the planet with. I want to learn everything I can about animals and then tell other kids about what I learn! If people knew more about animals, their lives would be better. And we would all take better care of our planet and the animals on it. So, I have decided to write a book for every adventure my dad and I go on! I keep my trusty notebook with me and write down our adventures as I go. I will sell the books, and the money we make will go towards teaching people about animals. We also meet many children in need on our travels. The money I make selling my books will also go towards helping them. Come and say 'hello' at... https://www.amazon.com/author/happy-sapiens

