It's harder than ever to help deserving people get approved for disability benefits these days. Over the last 20 years as a disability attorney, I've learned tactics for winning these important cases for claimants who are unfairly denied disability benefits. The Lawyer's Bible Series is meant to help other lawyers, nonattorney representatives, accredited agents, paralegals, legal assistants, law office staff, receptionists, the disabled or differently-abled, and the general public. I write without all the lawyerly legalese. As Will Rogers said, "The minute you read something you don't understand, you can almost be sure it was drawn up by a lawyer." I strive to be an exception to that rule. I've helped thousands of claimants, representing them at all levels of the disability process, including in federal courts. I'm also a public speaker seen in The Miami Herald, The Boston Globe, and on ABC, NBC, FOX News, and CBS News. I teach other professionals and their staff members how to be more successful and fulfilled while serving the disabled members of the national community. I love to help people solve their problems. In my spare time, I'm a zipliner, foodie, spelunker, world-wide traveler, snorkeler, lover of beaches, friend, daughter, mom, sister, counselor, advisor, and Bravo TV watcher. I'm also a proud member of the Cherokee tribe. I hope you find what I write to be useful and enjoyable. Regards, Lisa McNair Palmer, Esq. Disability Lawyer (VA, SSD/DIB/DWB, SSI) FB: @VADisabilityHelp Tw: @DisabledVetLaw YouTube: Lisa McNair Palmer 918-392-1671