Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio


Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio is a Ph.D. in Physics and a Telecommunication Engineer. He has worked on various international projects in the field of gravitational wave research. Working as a software/hardware developer in the data acquisition system, he participated as the designer of the thermal compensation system (TCS) for the optical system used in the Virgo/Ligo Experiment (an experiment for detection of the gravitational wave - Physics Nobel Prize), and in the X-ray field to design new devices about High Voltage X-ray and Microbeam for radiobiological and microscopy applications.. Actually, He collaborates with University of L'Aquila for reasearch in the x-ray field, and works in the software/hardware engineering as editor and technical writer. Di Paolo Emilio is also the author of numerous publications on electronics design, data acquisition system via GSM, power supply and photovoltaic system.


