Moses Siregar III


When I was ten, I fell in love with an anime series: a space opera spanning three human generations, a saga that unfolded over 85 consecutive episodes and four months of after-school TV. Watching Robotech was a spiritual experience for me. I still remember how high I felt after watching the final episode for the first time. That's when I decided I wanted to be a storyteller someday. In 2009, I finally got back around to my heart's desire when I was a boy: telling the big story. I've never had so much fun. 'The Black God's War' is a stand-alone epic fantasy novel and an homage to Homer with a multicultural flavor. It's also the prelude to the upcoming 'Splendor and Ruin' trilogy (look for 'The Ninth Wind' coming in 2015). My novella-length preview of the novel is also available on Amazon. You can follow my blog, 'Moses and Dionysus Walk Into a Bar ...' at I'm also a co-host of the Parsec Award-winning Adventures In SciFi Publishing podcast. I hope you'll check out my humble epic and, more than anything, I hope you'll enjoy it and feel inspired to follow your own most passionate muse.

