Nunc FluirelTodo


Brief biography: Born on June 3, 1982, under the name of Mario. He was always in contact with the Energy of Love and with a perception that went beyond the usual. At the age of 21, he quit work, giving up a new job promotion from a job he liked and enjoyed, but he felt a struggle between his mind and his inner self; and when he listened to his inner self, the direct experience of consciousness expansion began to open. At the age of 22, he made the Camino de Santiago for the first time. That experience helped him connecting with deeper Energies, with a More Real, Complete and Expansive Vision and opened him capacities for energetic perceptions, astral travel, and much more. At 23, he retired for several months to write his first novel and returned to El Camino de Santiago, but this time, in silence and without money. That experience was a true "Before and After". Many of these external experiences and the internal liberation experiences that have elapsed during the completion of The Camino de Santiago, are transmitted in the book "Journey into Divinity", which, as its title indicates, is the direct experience of Divinity, of Consciousness. that is IS. The book is subtitled, "Living Death", and as the subtitle indicates, the identification with the physical form, with the body and with the mind, died with consciousness, freeing and connecting with The Truth that Makes You Free. Later he was followed by more than a decade of contemplative life, retired from the world, time that he invested to write more books such as "Perspectives", "Transcendence" and the novel "2027 Conscious Change". He also wrote dozens of articles and made different videos that he shared. At 33 he felt, according to the powerful intuition developed, that at 35 he would be active. That's how it was. From that moment on he makes presentations of his books, talks about the current moment, consciousness expansion, true acceptance, fear, the mind, the ego, enlightenment, The Source, the Divine Consciousness and many other issues, to actively collaborate with the individual process of people and consequently contribute to the expansion of collective consciousness. Make workshops, meetings, retreats, gatherings, trips. Give talks in different places. He never read many books or followed masters, everything he transmits is from direct Experience, by Christ connection. In his books he transmits the Unified Truth, beyond duality. A Consciential reference of the XXI Century, for its depth and at the same time its simplicity; for The Truth that transmits and at the same time its closeness; for the ability to originate transformations from the presence, words, silence and energy that it transmits as well as for its naturalness when transmitting. Many are those who perceive in him and through him, Love, Peace, Light and the Divine Presence. Although he always says that whoever recognizes that depth in him and / or through him, is by contact with the Conscious part that each one harbors. Some of his phrases, of his messages: -Destiny of man is to connect with what IS, and stop identifying with the illusion that it believes to be. -Don't hate them for what they say or do, Love them for who they are. -The human being does not exist. It is a cell of the body of God. (God as an energetic and consciential state). -The Divinity flows in me. Each person who identifies with the mind, Itself, is like the prodigal son, his return home is awaited with open arms, to Consciousness. It is not recriminated, but accepted. He is not judged, but Loved. It never left, it always has been. It is. He does not follow any religious or spiritual line. The goal is the liberation of the individual. It collaborates in the Unification of Existence from its Conscious state already unified with the Divine; at the same time that it speaks that there is no earthly life as opposed to the spiritual one; And as it says, you can live with your feet on the Earth, your heart in the Celestial and the Consciousness in the Divine. Nunc represents Unification, in which the Totality that houses Love, Peace and Divine Light is perceived.


