Oliver Bimber


Oliver Bimber is Professor of Computer Science at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz, Austria. He became the head of the JKU's Institute of Computer Graphics in October 2009. From 2003-2010 he served as a Junior Professor of Augmented Reality at the Media System Science Department of Bauhaus-University Weimar. He received a Ph.D. (2002) in Engineering from Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, and a Habilitation degree (2007) in Computer Science (Informatik) at Munich University of Technology. Bimber co-authored the book "Displays: Fundamentals and Applications" with Rolf R. Hainich and the book "Spatial Augmented Reality" with Ramesh Raskar (MIT). His research interests include visual computing, real-time rendering and visualization, computer vision, image analysis and processing, optics, and human visual perception in the context of next-generation display and imaging technologies. More information: http://www.jku.at/cg

