Ruolz Ariste PhD


Ruolz holds a PhD in Industrial Relations from Laval University, majoring and developing expertise in the field of labor and health economics as well as evaluation of public policies. He has been working with the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) and is affiliated with Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO). Ruolz’s various fields of interest throughout the years led him to the publication of about 20 scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals. He has also published several informed opinion pieces in news magazines. Ruolz has presented his works at major national and international conferences. These works are reflected in a few chapters of his book titled Contemporary Events Related to Equity and Inclusion: A focus on Blacks, the Haitian diaspora, and locals. The author has served on the Scientific Committee of several conferences, among others: iHEA (International Health Economics Association), EuHEA/ECHE (European Conference on Health Economics), CAHSPR (Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research). He has also served as a reviewer/referee for several editors and scientific journals, including Yale University Press, Health Economics, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Healthcare Policy, Health Policy, Canadian Tax Journal. As an advocate for social justice and equal opportunity for all, Ruolz additionally devotes his time to philanthropic activities that liaise him with his home country, namely via ISTEAH (Institut des Sciences, des Technologies et des Études Avancées d'Haiti), ACA-FAMV (Association canadienne des anciens de la Faculté d’Agronomie et de Médecine vétérinaire de l’Université d’État d’Haiti), and I-Score (Integrity, Specialization, Competence, Originality, Respect and Excellence).

