Sathish Sampath, hailing from Madurai (Born in 1979) and currently settled in Chennai, India. With Experience in Technology to Hospitality to Healthcare Sathish Sampath is a Multifaceted Personality. He is a Successful Entrepreneur, Mindfulness Coach, Strategic Corporate Advisor on Business Growth and Global Marketing. He likes Teaching, has done more than 1000+ Guest Lectures/Training for Students / Employees / Leaders on 3M's (Management, Marketing & Mindfulness). As a Certified Social Behaviour Psychologist and Hypnotherapist, he does a lot of research in the Field of Decision Making and Influencing factors of Human Mind pertaining to Response to Corporate Marketing Efforts. Recently, He got himself Diploma in International Diplomacy too to get himself ready to get into the Board Rooms where Major Decisions are Taken, and identifying the power play factors on Leaders which constitute the character towards decision making.