Susan Ronald


Born and raised in the United States, Susan Ronald is a British-American author and biographer. Now living in England for over twenty-five years, she is the author of ten history books ranging across the ages. Her latest book to be published (March 14, 2023) is HITLER'S ARISTOCRATS: THE SECRET POWER PLAYERS IN BRITAIN AND AMERICA WHO SUPPORTED THE NAZIS 1923–1941). August 3, 2020 ). Previous books includeTHE AMBASSADOR: JOSEPH P. KENNEDY AT THE COURT OF ST. JAMES'S 1938-1940, CONDÉ NAST, A DANGEROUS WOMAN, HITLER'S ART THIEF, HERETIC QUEEN, SHAKESPEARE'S DAUGHTER (a novel), THE PIRATE QUEEN, THE SANCY BLOOD DIAMOND, AND FRANCE: THE CROSSROADS OF EUROPE. She has also appeared as herself in documentaries and has produced films and has written screenplays. Susan is working on her eleventh book and will post as soon as she has a publishing contract for it.



