Enette Larson-Meyer, PhD, RD, CSSD, FACSM, is a professor at the University of Wyoming and is a well-respected researcher in the area of sports and exercise metabolism. Her research centers on how nutrition influences the health and performance of active individuals at all stages of the life cycle and at all levels of performance—from the casual exerciser to the elite athlete. Larson-Meyer is the author of Vegetarian Sports Nutrition (Human Kinetics, 2007) and has also authored over 80 scientific journal articles and book chapters. She served on the 2011 International Olympic Committee (IOC) Sports Nutrition Consensus Panel and on the IOC Consensus Panel for Supplementation in the Elite Athlete. She is a board certified specialist in sports dietetics, is a former sports dietitian for the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and is active in SCAN (the sports, cardiovascular, and wellness nutrition practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) and the American College of Sports Medicine, where she serves as an associate editor for medicine and science in sports and exercise. She is also a past chair of both SCAN and the vegetarian nutrition (VN) practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Personal interests include trail running, flat water kayaking, Irish step dancing, yoga, and being the number-one fan of her one semi-vegetarian and two vegetarian children.