Linda L. Belleville


Dr. Linda Belleville Phone Number: 574 217-7288 Send an Email: Dr. Linda Belleville is a Ph.D professor of biblical studies. She received a B.M. in piano performance from Eastman School of Music, the Univerisity of Rochester, a M.A. in NT from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a PhD in NT (with specialties in John, Paul, the early church fathers, and the Septuagint) from the University of St. Michael's College, University of Toronto. She grew up in Cleveland Ohio, where she served on staff with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship and taught piano at the Cleveland Music Settlement. Prior to coming to Bethel College, she was a full, tenured professor at North Park College and Theological Seminary. As an adjunct professor at Fuller Theological Seminary, she taught in the Young Life Institute and for InterVarsity's National Institute for Seminary Education. She is also an adjunct professor of NT at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. Linda is a translator for Tyndale House's The New Living Translation and recently published a theological commentary on 1 Timothy for Tyndale's Cornerstone Commentary series and Sex, Lies and the Truth: Developing a Christian Ethic in a Post-Christian Society (Wipf and Stock). She has authored four other books, two monographs and some thirty-five articles and essays. Linda has a passion for the local church and has been active in leading small group ministries, college and career groups, and Sunday school classes. She speaks at InterVarsity student and staff conferences, church retreats, college and university chapels and workshops, and local area churches. Linda and her husband Brian have been married for 33 years. They have 2 college-age children, Katie and Paul, a cairn terrier named "Chaira" (Greek "joyful") and a feline Katrina victim named Darlene. Linda is a die-hard Cleveland Indians, Browns, and Cavaliers fan. She enjoys reading mystery novels, jogging, playing board and card games and hanging with her kids. Memberships include: * Society of New Testament Studies * Evangelical Theological Society * Society of Biblical Literature * Institute for Biblical Research Selected Publications *Sex, Lies and the Truth: Developing a Christian Ethic in a Post-Christian Society. Wipf and Stock, 2010. *1 Timothy. Cornerstone Theological Commentary Series. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers. Tyndale, 2009. *Two Views on Women in Ministry. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, Revised edition, 2005. *Keeping in Step With the Spirit. Chicago, IL: Covenant Women Ministries, 2001. *Women Leaders & the Church: 3 Crucial Questions. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 2000. *A Biblical Perspective on Sexuality. (Occasional Paper nos. 6) Chicago, IL: Covenant Publications, 1998. *2 Corinthians. (The IVP New Testament Commentary Series) Vol 8. Downer's Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1996. *"1-2 Corinthians." In The New Living Translation. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1996. *Reflections of Glory. Paul's Polemical Use of the Moses-Doxa Tradition in 2 Corinthians 3.1-18, JSNTS 52, Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1991.



