Gabriele Kushi, BFA, MEA, CHC, AADP was born in Germany and lives in the United States. She dedicates her life to the Healing Arts with special focus on macrobiotics, yoga, sustainability, and sound research. Gabriele has introduced many to better health and received the 2009 Aveline Kushi award for her dedication and work in macrobiotics. Her long-distance wellness programs that accompany her book 'The Macrobiotic Kitchen in 10 Easy Steps' (also available in German) and her 'Macrobiotic Cooking Class DVD Series' offer worldwide opportunities to personally study with Gabriele. Her summa cum laude thesis and photography exhibit 'Voices of Changing Women' from the University of Minnesota are part of her first book 'Embracing Menopause Naturally' (also available in Polish). FFI and to connect with Gabriele visit her website