Bernadette Brady M.A. is a professional consulting and teaching astrologer who lives in Bristol, UK. She holds a masters degree in Culture Astronomy and Astrology from Bath Spa University, UK . In September, 2006 she was honoured by the Astrological Association of Great Britain by being award the prestigious Charles Harvey Award for "exceptional service to astrology". And in 2008 with the Regulus Award in theory and Understand by the USA community at UAC in Denver In her capacity as an astrologer she lectures, teaches, designs software and writes. She is renowned for her innovated work in visual astrology, the role of fixed stars in western astrology and for her work in predictive astrology. Her latest work is in mapping chaos theory to astrology. She is currently reading for her doctorate in determinism in western astrology at Bath Spa University (UK) and is a tutor for the MA in Cosmology and Culture at Wales University, Lampeter UK. And a tutor for Schumacher College, in partnership with the University of Plymouth, in their MSc programme Holistic Science.