Julie Ingersoll


Julie Ingersoll was raised in a small city in Maine, lived in L.A. and Santa Barbara for several years, and now teaches at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville. Her courses and research focus on religion in American culture, especially, gender, politics, violence, and the religious right. In addition to her academic work she values opportunities to participate in the public conversation about contemporary issues through blogging and public speaking. Her first book, Evangelical Christian Women: War Stories in the Gender Battles, explored the conflicts experiences by female leaders in fundamentalist institutions where to role of women is contested. Her most recent book is Building God's Kingdom: inside the world of Christian Reconstruction. As a former insider, now a trained religious studies scholar, she traces the influence of these controversial Christians who seek to establish Old Testament biblical law in the contemporary world. Go to http://julieingersoll.weebly.com/ for links to reviews, interviews, and public lectures as well as articles and course syllabi.


